Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cleaning up

This is one of her other favorite things, to dance. She will dance to anything and wants you to dance with her. We have checked out some local dance studios but we are going to wait until she is a little bit older.

She likes to play pretend a lot now, she has a great imagination. We try to encourage her as much as we can. She loves it when we play along with her. This is her pretending she is Roger.

Doing a deep cleaning of the tub, she wanted to help Daddy so bad. What a good sport he is, this really made her day. Lately she has been a real Mommy's girl but today for a change all she wanted has been Daddy! So cute.

Anyway tonight we have been cleaning like crazy, trying to make sure we have everything ready for our new little one. Hopefully we will be induced in the morning. My doctor says they should not send us away again, he says there is always that chance but he doesn't see that happening.I found out today that the hospital has had like 80 births the last 2 weeks alone. We will keep everyone posted on what is happening.

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