Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So, Yeah we have a BOY!
Well, im sorry that I didnt update this blof after the birth, I was a little busy. Alyssa's sister Jessica was updating Facebook just after. Well, we are home now it was fun and real and we are glad its over. So here are some pics that we have taken of the boy. Madison is calling him "bubba" but she cant pronounce it quite right so she says "Buboo", almost like bobo the clown but with the "bub" part at the beginning, its really quite. Anyway for those on our emailing list you will get more pics than these soon. I hope everybody is doing good and enjoys the pics, if you dont get pics (give it a day or two) then call, email, or comment in the blog section and we will make it happen. Enjoy!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Getting Closer!!!!!
OK the nurse checked alyssa and she said she is a 9.75/10. The baby is at "Zero Station" and we are getting ready to have this baby. I found it wierd to think that I will have two kids soon. Honestly im already getting emotional....im a big baby, i know. Anyway, other nurses are on in the room getting the room ready.....so pretty quick. The main nurse said she would check alyssa in a about 15 minutes or so. More to follow.......
Getting Closer
The Nurse just checked her and said she was dialated to a 5-6 and the baby was -1. She needs to be dialated to a 10 and the baby at 3. So we will see. Its progressed really fast, predictions are that she will have the baby by 3 PM Central......more later.
Ok, so the ephideral is in. Maka and I had to leave while they hooked her up. SO maka and i went to the hospital cafeteria and believe it or not the food is actually pretty darn good, breakfast was amazing. Ok, so alyssa is feelin REALLY good if you know what i mean and the contractions are comin but bearable. More to follow later.......
Broke the water
So how do you break water you ask? well, with a long plastic hook. Interesting to say the least. Ok, so the water is broke at 12:05 and the contractions are coming pretty strong. She sat throiugh about 5-10 minutes of contractions and asked for the epiderhal. So thats on its way. Also i was taking pictures and videotapping her during contractions and she had some choice words for me.......hehehe. She dosent like it now but she will later. I will post more later.
Finnaly The Secret Password Worked!!
Ok, so this is Roger. We are at the hospital, alyssa is hooked up and the contractions are coming pretty good. The doc will be here at noon to break her water. Then there will be no stopping it! I will keep everybody posted through Facebook and this blog.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cleaning up
This is one of her other favorite things, to dance. She will dance to anything and wants you to dance with her. We have checked out some local dance studios but we are going to wait until she is a little bit older.
She likes to play pretend a lot now, she has a great imagination. We try to encourage her as much as we can. She loves it when we play along with her. This is her pretending she is Roger.
Doing a deep cleaning of the tub, she wanted to help Daddy so bad. What a good sport he is, this really made her day. Lately she has been a real Mommy's girl but today for a change all she wanted has been Daddy! So cute.
Anyway tonight we have been cleaning like crazy, trying to make sure we have everything ready for our new little one. Hopefully we will be induced in the morning. My doctor says they should not send us away again, he says there is always that chance but he doesn't see that happening.I found out today that the hospital has had like 80 births the last 2 weeks alone. We will keep everyone posted on what is happening.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So we got to the hospital this morning at 4:30 am. They sent us home they said they were out of beds! Roger and I were so upset they rescheduled us for Monday at 8 am so hopefully they will keep us then. Or who knows maybe we'll go into labor on our own, I've been in light labor for a while now I just wish things would speed up. I do have a Doctors appointment in the morning so we'll have to see what he says.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Change of date
The doctors office called today and they had to change our induction date to Thursday the 20th. The only draw back is we have to be there at 4:30am so that part stinks but hey at least were getting him out for sure that day.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baby News
Went to the doctor today I am dilated to a three and 70% effaced so now we are just playing the waiting game. He doubts that we will make it another week but if we due he will induce us on Wednesday the 19Th. I am so excited I can not wait to get this little boy out of me. I am ready to see and hold him already. So far Roger and Madison think he will have dark hair and blue eyes. I am not sure I kind of think he will look just like them blond hair blue eyes and nothing like me. I told Roger that if that does happen I'll just have to start dying my hair so I can actually fit in as part the family. So we shall see I am just really ready to get this baby out of my ribs so I can breathe better again.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Fried Chicken =)
So my beautiful daughter loves fried chicken so much that she had to sneak into the kitchen for another piece! I had never made it for her before but will definately have to do it again and real soon. She even came and stole a piece off of my plate, what a cutie!
On another note she asked to play in the soap bubbles, no problem right. I turn around and she is washing the dishes! That's my girl.
Friday, August 7, 2009
House News
So we had a couple come look at the house today, they are really nice. He is in the army getting deployed for a year and she wants to be in WF around her family while he's gone. Best part is they don't need the house until October!!!! So no rushing around with our heads cut off anymore. They brought back there application and Rog and I will decide for sure or not tonight when he gets home, but I am pretty sure they are the ones. Just one of those comforting feelings. =)
On to other news my feet are swelling like crazy and Rog says my belly has dropped some or at least looks different. It doesn't feel any different to me but that is still some nice news to hear. I think these past few weeks have been the longest ever, I am so anxious to see our little boy and to let some one else get to hold him for a while. Sounds awful but I am tired of being kicked in the ribs already.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Baby News & Updates
Went to the doctor today were a 2 1/2 to a 3 and still 50% effaced, he says we could stay like this for weeks.=( Next week he said we could talk about being induced. I have still been having braxton hicks/ contractions for days but there not getting any where near constant or regular. I am just ready for this boy to come already.
We also had several people come and look at the house yesterday, they all said they loved it and took applications with them. We haven't gotten any back yet but we shall see what happens. We will be out of the house by the 1st of September so who ever we choose can move in then.
Madison is now in love with Barbie! We got a her a Barbie movie the other day, and I think we have watched it every single day. At least that's how it feels. She is so funny when she watches it,she sings the songs and dances.... so cute!
Ohhh.... her favorite song right now is Old McDonald had a farm, she loves making the animal noises. She's also talking non-stop now, for the most part you can understand her now too, a total plus.
We also had several people come and look at the house yesterday, they all said they loved it and took applications with them. We haven't gotten any back yet but we shall see what happens. We will be out of the house by the 1st of September so who ever we choose can move in then.
Madison is now in love with Barbie! We got a her a Barbie movie the other day, and I think we have watched it every single day. At least that's how it feels. She is so funny when she watches it,she sings the songs and dances.... so cute!
Ohhh.... her favorite song right now is Old McDonald had a farm, she loves making the animal noises. She's also talking non-stop now, for the most part you can understand her now too, a total plus.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
So we found out that Roger is quite possibly going to loose his job on August 1st. His boss is trying to figure a way to keep him but so far we don't really know whats going to happen.So in all reality he could show up to work on Monday and that could be his last day. Pretty crappy, huh. So we decided to put our house up for rent the sign has only been up for almost 48 hours and we have already had 3 phone calls about it. I thought it would take alot longer to even hear from anyone. We are working on De-cluttering and packing a few things away. Why we waited this long to take care of thing I am not sure. But the house is looking amazing, it helps that I am also in my nesting stage of this pregnancy so I want everything done right now.
Poor Roger, we went to Walmart yesterday and I totally bit his head off, I didn't realize how mean I was until it was all said and done. We had gift cards to use and he forgot and swiped his debit card, I got really mad. I know super silly, we go to wal-mart all the time and could have used it another time. But all I could think was why didn't you wait on me you knew we had those grrr... good thing he loves me so much. I think that's maybe the second time we have ever had words with each other not bad for 3 1/2 years, right.
I went to the doctor last Wednesday he said he'd be surprised if by the 19Th I haven't either already had Lil Roger or dilated to a 3. I am a 1 right now and 50% effaced, at least as of Wednesday. I am having braxton hicks and contractions mixed but nothing any were near regular and ready for him to come yet. So
Poor Roger, we went to Walmart yesterday and I totally bit his head off, I didn't realize how mean I was until it was all said and done. We had gift cards to use and he forgot and swiped his debit card, I got really mad. I know super silly, we go to wal-mart all the time and could have used it another time. But all I could think was why didn't you wait on me you knew we had those grrr... good thing he loves me so much. I think that's maybe the second time we have ever had words with each other not bad for 3 1/2 years, right.
I went to the doctor last Wednesday he said he'd be surprised if by the 19Th I haven't either already had Lil Roger or dilated to a 3. I am a 1 right now and 50% effaced, at least as of Wednesday. I am having braxton hicks and contractions mixed but nothing any were near regular and ready for him to come yet. So
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